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2023 Arab Health Expo.

Writer's picture: DAIWHADAIWHA

From January 30th, to February second, Executive Paul, Yoon and Manuel, Kim from sales department participated in ARAB Health expo which were held in Dubai, UAE. This expo attracted a large crowd that took almost 30 minutes to enter the expo, and about 220 companies visited our booth during our four days of participation. If we include simple visits where they simply took business cards and catalogs, more than 300 companies visited our booth. As oversea sales department had promoted to many potential buyers, oversea sales team will focus on generating new sales via responding to potential customers.



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Name of company : DAIWHA CORP.,LTD

Name of representative : Dae young Yoon

Company Registration Number : 220-81-04837

H.Q : DAIWHA Bldg., 3, Yeoksam-ro 33-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06224, Korea

          T. +82.2.558.1711  I  F. +82.2.554.0317

Factory : 135, Donghwagongdan-ro, Munmak-eup, Wounju-si, Gangwon-do 26365, Korea

          T. +82.33.743.9383 ㅣ F. +82.33.742.9387

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