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2019 GMES 15th Gangwon Medical Equipment Exhibition

Writer's picture: DAIWHADAIWHA
After participating in the 2019 GMES 15th Gangwon Medical Device Exhibition held in Wonju Medical Device Techno Valley from October 10th to 11th, 2019, it was a successful finish.

Although it is a GMES that participates every year, it was a meaningful time as more and more visitors came to the conversation booth as the years passed.

Thank you all of the conversation families who attended the 2019 GMES.



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Name of company : DAIWHA CORP.,LTD

Name of representative : Dae young Yoon

Company Registration Number : 220-81-04837

H.Q : DAIWHA Bldg., 3, Yeoksam-ro 33-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06224, Korea

          T. +82.2.558.1711  I  F. +82.2.554.0317

Factory : 135, Donghwagongdan-ro, Munmak-eup, Wounju-si, Gangwon-do 26365, Korea

          T. +82.33.743.9383 ㅣ F. +82.33.742.9387

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