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Participated in the 21st Korea Medical Association Fall Workshop in 2018

On November 10, 2018, the 21st Korea Medical Association Fall Workshop was held at The K&Resort, Gyeongju. It was my first time to participate in Gyeongju, so I was worried, but fortunately, many people came and paid attention. The conversation families who had a hard time going down to Gyeongju from early in the morning on the weekend have a lot of trouble. I would like to express my gratitude to all those who are always interested in the conversation. We ask for your interest in the 2019 Korean Medical Association.

Participated in the 21st Korea Medical Association Fall Workshop in 2018

​회사명 : 대화기기(주)

대표자명 : 윤대영

본사 : 서울시 강남구 역삼로 33길 3 대화빌딩 I T. (02) 558 1711 | F. (02) 554 0317

공장 : 강원도 원주시 문막읍 동화공단로 135 I T. (033) 743 9383 | F. (033) 742 9387

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