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Participating in the 2022 PHARMEDI VIETNAM

Hee-seung Yoon and Je-na Jeon attended the PHARMEDI VIETNAM exhibition held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam from September 14 to 17. New pumps, surgical instruments, and energy devices were promoted at this exhibition. About 60 companies visited the booth for 4 days, and through meetings with customers, we confirmed a lot of interest in our products. We were not able to participate much due to Corona 19, but in the future, we will actively participate in exhibitions in major countries and use it as an opportunity to promote our products more widely.

Participating in the 2022 PHARMEDI VIETNAM

​회사명 : 대화기기(주)

대표자명 : 윤대영

본사 : 서울시 강남구 역삼로 33길 3 대화빌딩 I T. (02) 558 1711 | F. (02) 554 0317

공장 : 강원도 원주시 문막읍 동화공단로 135 I T. (033) 743 9383 | F. (033) 742 9387

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